Published Jul 1, 2020 (Updated Feb 4, 2021) by Girish Talekar • Pinned ⭐
#Worker node
When working with one of my client I have been given the requirement to run RHEL as worker node on AWS EKS cluster. As I am new to this I searched on the internet for some articles, i found some articles which is good but not that what i wanted, i started reading and trying few approaches and after spending some time i was able to run RHEL as worker on EKS cluster, so just wanted to share my finding through this blog post.
There are few things you need to know below you start.
When we take an EC2 instance with any one of the base image ami like Ubuntu, Amazon Linux etc it doesn’t come with Kubernetes installed on it, to make that work as a worker node for deploying your resources, you need to install Docker, Kubernetes awscli etc. you can’t directly use any available ami from the list and use as a worker node in EKS cluster.
There are some available ami’s which has already setup form aws side below is the example, this ami’s are with ubuntu as a base image, but if you have requirement of different base OS like I have i.e. RHEL then you have to create your own custom ami by installing each component.
Select OL7.6 instance from aws console as a base image
Install the dependencies
yum install -y git
yum install -y
yum install -y python-pip
pip install --upgrade awscli
pip install --upgrade aws-cfn-bootstrap
mkdir -p /opt/aws/bin
ln -s /usr/bin/cfn-signal /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal
yum install -y ****can be replaced with the version required by docker****
sed -i 's/enforcing/permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config ****If not set to permissive, the docker containers will not be able to provision and throw Permission Denied Error**
Clone the git repo and modify the script for access key and region and then execute it
git clone
cd aws-eks-rhel-workers
To create the cluster through cli we need below tools from aws cli
Installing the AWS CLI version 2
one’s aws cli is installed you need to configure that by command
aws configure
To use EKS for creating the cluster through cli, follow the steps in the article
one’s the image is ready copy the AMI ID from aws console like below in the config file
# test-config.yaml
kind: ClusterConfig
metadata: null
name: test-cluster
region: ap-south-1
version: '1.15'
- name: ng-11
instanceType: t2.micro
ami: ami-xxxxxx
desiredCapacity: 1
ssh: null
allow: true
create the cluster by using the below command with eks cli
eksctl create cluster -f test-config.yaml --timeout 60m
wait for few minutes for cluster being ready then execute the below command to see the nodes in the cluster
kubectl get nodes
Note: if you get this error message after waiting for some time like 1 hour then this is mostly because you AMI image is not setup correctly “Error: timed out (after 1h0m0s) waiting for at least 1 nodes to join the cluster and become ready in “application-node-group”